A. Setting the example for the disciples in the upper room (Focus on unity with Jesus expressed in mutual love) 13:1-35
B. Prediction of the disciple’s denial 13:36-38
C. Jesus’ departure tempered by assurance of the Father’s power 14:1-14
D. The promise of the “Advocate” 14:15-26
E. Troubling encounter with the world 14:27-31
F. Jesus the vine, disciples the branches 15: 1-1 7
E. Troubling encounter with the world 15: 18-16:4a
D. The promise of the “Advocate” 16:4b-15
C. Jesus’ departure tempered by assurance of the Father’s power l6:16-28
B. Prediction of the disciples’ denial 16:29-33
A. Prayer for the disciples (Focus on unity with Jesus expressed in mutual love) 17:1-26
Based on Wayne Brouwer’s, THE LITERARY DEVELOPMENT OF JOHN 13-17: A CHIASTIC READING. https://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/bitstream/11375/6598/1/fulltext.pdf
Note: reading the Gospel of John again I wondered about this section and then found the above. Chapter 13 begins “when Jesus knew that his hour was come”, and chapter 17 begins “Father, the hour is come”. The major sections on the Comforter in chapter 14 and chapter 16 suggests chiastic structure. The centre is the parable of the true vine and its interpretation. We have posted two overlapping chiasms for John 15:1-17. If these are correct verses 7 and 8 are in both and thereby form the very centre of the large chiastic structure.”15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. 15:8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit”.