This structure has at its centre surprisingly the feast of unleavened bread. This section itself is a chiasm. The point of the structure we think is to draw attention to the need to leave Egypt behind spiritually as well as physically.
A. Exodus 11:1-3 Pharaoh gives in and the spoiling of the Egyptians
B. Exodus 11:4-8 The death of the firstborn
C. Exodus 11:9-10 The work is done
D. Exodus 12:1-14 The passover lamb
E. Exodus 12:15-20 Unleavened bread
D’. Exodus 12:21-27 The passover lamb
C. Exodus 12:28 The work is done
B. Exodus 12:29-30 The death of the firstborn
A. Exodus 12:31-36 Pharaoh gives in and the spoiling of the Egyptians.