From, The Literary Structure of Amos: A Thematic Analysis, Paul R. Noble, Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol. 114, No. 2 (Summer, 1995), pp. 209-226
A: Introductory oracles (3:9-14)
x: Israelvis-a-vis the foreign nations(3:9-11)
y: An image of ruin (3:12)
z: The devastation of Israel(3:13-15)
B: Heartless indolence in Samaria (4:1-3)
C: Rejection of Israel’s cult (4:4-5)
D: The final judgment (4:6-12)
E: Lamentations for Israel (5:1-3)
F: Seek Yahweh! (5:4-6)
G: The corruption of justice (5:7, 10)
H: Hymn to Yahweh (5:8-9)
G’: The corruption of justice (5:11-13)
F’: Seek Yahweh! (5:14-15)
E’: Lamentations for Israel (5:16-17)
D’: The final judgment (5:18-20)
C’: Rejection of Israel’s cult (5:21-27)
B’: Heartless indolence in Samaria (6:1,3-7)
A’: Concluding oracles (6:2,8-14)
x’: Israel vis-a-vis the foreign nations (6:2,8)
y’: An image of ruin (6:9-10)
z’: The devastation of Israel (6:11-14)