Following the proposal of Motyer
A. (Isa 65:1) The call of the Gentiles
B. 2-7 Israel reject call and choses idolatry
(swine’s flesh/abominable)
C. 8-10 A remnant saved
D. 11-12 Those who reject the call will be judged (“When I called you did not answer …”)
E. 13-25 New Heavens and a new Earth
a.13-16 Separation of God’s servants from the faithless
b.17-19 Rejoice in the New Creation
a’.20-24 The fruit of labour
D’. 66:1-4 those who reject the call will be judged (“When I called you did not answer …”)
C’. 5-14 the blessings of the remnant who tremble at the Word
B’. 15-17 Judgment of the idolators
(swine’s flesh/abominable)
A’. 66:18-24 The call to the nations