An alternative structure from Todd Moore – Isaiah 42:1-4 (LXX)
A. The Agency of the Servant Expressed
Is. 42:1
Jacob is my servant; I will help him.
Israel is my chosen; my soul accepts him.
B. The Goal of his Spirit-led Agency Expressed
I put my Spirit upon him;
he will bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.
A’ The Agency of the Servant Explained
Is. 42:2
He will not cry out,
nor raise his voice,
nor cause his voice to be heard outside.
B’ The Goal of his Spirit-led Agency Explained
Is. 42:3
a. A bruised reed he will not break,
and smoking linen wick he will not quench;
b. but he will bring forth judgment for truth.
Is. 42:4
a’ He will burn brightly
and not be broken
b’ until he establishes judgment upon the land;
and the Gentiles will hope upon his name.
Also note the little chiasm in the two “a” terms of vs 3-4:
a. A bruised reed he will not break,
b. and smoking linen wick he will not quench;
b’ He will burn brightly
a’ and not be broken