Matthew 15:21-21:22

(The chiasms on this website to date have been mainly small or medium sized. But chiasmus can cover larger sections of Scripture. The following from John Owen  is the first we have posted of such a grand scale pattern highlighting key phrases and concepts)

A 15:21-28 Son of David showing the importance of faith
B 15:29-39 Blind see and Jesus having compassion
C 16 Peter wants glory not suffering?
D 16:21-28 Jesus needs to suffer
E 17:1-13 Transfiguration/kingdom vision
F 17:14-21 Nothing impossible with faith
G Jesus not concerned by money
H 18:1-19 Be as a little child
I 18:15-20 relationships in the ecclesia
       J 18:21-35 Parable of forgiveness
I 19:3-12 relationships in marriage
H 19:13-15 Be as a little child
G Rich young man
F 19:26 All things possible with God
E 20:1-16 Kingdom of heaven is like…
D 20:17-19 Jesus needs to suffer
C 20:20-28 James and John want glory
B 20:29-34 Blind see, Jesus has compassion
A 21:1-22 Son of David preaching the need for faith

The two end points demonstrate the need for faith. The middle point shows us what we need to have faith in – God’s forgiveness. Responding to His forgiveness needs to pervade every facet of our lives: at home (marriage) and in the ecclesia. We need to be like children; humble, not reliant on the riches of this world, but faithfully believing with God all things are possible. We can share in the kingdom!

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